How to make your page load faster

If you’re a website owner, it is very important that your website along with all the pages in it is able to load extremely fast. Not only because your users have an attention span of 0 seconds before they leave your website, but more so to make it easier for the search engine spiders to crawl in there and take the data they need which in return, generates good traffic to your website. It is known that starting 2010(this year), Google search engines will be favoring websites that are very speedy in loading data(web pages) to make their page-indexing process(process of spitting out search results) a lot more efficient. Websites that cannot load a page within 3-5 seconds at the most will most likely not be indexed by Google, therefore losing their place in the search market share. Due to this, webmasters are focusing on factors that specifically increase the speed of the page loading time. Below are a few tips that will improve your web page loading time: 1. Remove Unnecessary Widgets/Scripts that you don’t need. If you have widgets on your website that only serve the purpose of making your website look fancy, then our best advice is to just get rid of it. It might make your website look nice, but the amount of time it takes away from loading your website is not worth it. Each widget/script will be referenced from a different server which means the number of HTTP requests will be higher resulting in slower loading time. Our advice:

  • Remove unnecessary widgets from your website even if they make your website look cool because if your website is not searchable, there is no need to make it look cool.
  • If a widget serves some kind of function and is necessary for it to be there, move them towards the bottom of the page. Making the widget load at the end is better since it takes the longest.

2. Remove Images you don’t need. Images are useful in portraying important messages, but they affect the loading time. Keep the usage of images to a minimal for your website to perform better. But if you are going to make your website image-heaven, then at least make them small. Small as in less resolution/quality. Image converters are always good tools to use when converting big files to small files. So, here are some tips to keep in mind to make your website image + load friendly:

  • Perform a thorough check on your website and remove unwanted images from the template and also from the post body.
  • Use Image converters to reduce the image size.
  • Upload these images to your own hosting to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

3. Reduce the CSS File Sizes. If you have tables and charts in your content, this will also slow down the load time. To make things a little faster, use CSS for tables and charts. The advantage of using CSS is that web browser’s cache can directly read the .css file just once and remember to produce it every time after that which saves a lot of time. Another way to save some loading time is to compress the CSS files using CSS optimizers. These optimizers allow you to remove unnecessary white space (page breaks, indentations, empty tags etc) thus making the page load a lot faster. 4. Reduce the number of posts that appear on your Home Page. Every post on your homepage adds on more time to load the page. If you have 10 posts, think of it as your web page having to load every one of those ten posts as part of loading the entire page. More the posts, slower the loading so keep them to a minimal. 3-4 is a good number for postings on the homepage. Try not to go over that.