Top 3 ways to market your Small business using

There are many ways a Small business can benefit from to market services, and in this post you will find the 3-easy ways to expose your business to the online community and gain visibility. If you aren’t already aware, Yelp is basically a business review site which provides rating for a business and this rating can mean a lot for your business. High rating for a business reciprocates a message to community that the services are excellent and low ratings indicating a bad service. In order to use Yelp effectively every business must concentrate on the following three things. But before getting started with Yelp you need to create a user profile and a business profile and link them both for better prospects. 1. Join Yelp community and participate actively If you have accounts on any other social networks, stay consistent and make your account reflect those accounts by using the same names and information. You can become an active participant only when you write few positive reviews on businesses that you know and find really good. And every time you post a review, Yelp creates a link back to your profile and you are easily noticeable to rest of the community as active participant and knowledgeable. 2. Ask For Business Reviews: Once you become an active participant in the community you might have gained lot of friends so you can ask them to write a review for your business. You can do this either online or offline. On the other hand you can ask your friends and followers from other networks also to write some reviews. Positive reviews are real important because they add up to your existing credibility and can expose your business better. 3. Create Events: If you are in business, there will definitely be some events happening either local or online. These events can be in the form of Website launch, vide launch, or anything. Try to offer incentives to your visitors so that they can participate in the event and can create buzz for your business. The above are only the 3 ways to use Yelp for your small business marketing, but Yelp offers many other methods through which a business can benefit. If you are searching for ways to market your business without breaking your budget then you should definitely try Yelp and see how it can improve the chances of success for your business.