Treat every page of your website like it’s your homepage

Those of you who are running a search engine optimization campaign must be prepared for the traffic that’s on the way to your website. Like they all say, first impression is the most important so you need to make sure that every single page on your website meets customer expectations. After a great deal of effort and you finally rank high on the search results but what if your website fails to communicate well with the users? That makes all that hard work pretty much go to waste. Most online users just skim through the landing pages and spend only a matter of seconds before they decide if a site has got something to offer for them or not. For this reason you need to optimize all the pages of your website very properly understanding search engines and your customer’s needs. As every webpage has been designed to accomplish a certain goal, it’s important for you to frame the page’s text properly using the apt title. Doing this for every page can make the entire site interact successfully with the online community. Aside from the relevant content on the page, it must have links to other content. Users tend to research and learn about the business before being converted into a customer. Directing the user to just one of your web pages is not going to be informative enough and definitely won’t be enough to sell your company. You need to provide them with links that’s easily seen and accessible leading to the rest of the pages on your site. This lets them explore the available options very easily and makes their decision making process quicker. User- friendly navigation is key. It’s a misconception that users will only visit the “popular pages” of your site. This is another reason why you need to optimize every single page on your website. This is necessary if you want them to keep their interest consistent while they are on your site –as a result more customers. Remember, running an SEO campaign is not all about driving traffic to your homepage. Otherwise, SEO would be pretty easy and straightforward. It might be true that a majority of the internet users view the home page at the first visit but you shouldn’t disregard the importance of optimizing the rest of the pages.