What is conversion rate & how you can improve it?

If you want to be successful online, understanding the conversion rate is what probably you need. Let say, you own a website which drives enough traffic you expected but none of these visitors involve in purchasing a product. So, this is something you need to worry because having enough user base with very low conversion rate may not be good for your business. Therefore, all you need to do is push these visitors to buy a particular product which you sell or those you are affiliate for. A website is face of your organization and is intended to create your online presence and sell for itself. So, this should drive expected traffic and convert well for you to become successful. If not, you need figure out the conversion rate and improve it. Here is what you need to know: Start With Analytics Install Google Analytics on to your website, if you haven’t. Doing this can help you in numerous ways in tracking the behavior of your visitors such as how many people are visiting your site, how long did they stay, did they leave immediately or else stuck on your website checking other posts on your website and more. In simple, this can provide you with the entire information of your visitor’s behavior with respect to your website. Do Some Comparisons Once you have gathered this information, you can start to work on them. For example, check the pages of your website which are most popular. You need to see how long your visitors spend on those pages knowing more about your products and services. However, check the pages where the visitor count is low. Compare those pages with highest number of hits and least number of hits. Understand the difference among them and try to implement strategies to improvise the pages with low rank. As there could be many reasons for some pages not getting ranked, you need to concentrate on every parameter that helps in building a rank such as on page optimization, content modification, back links etc. Do Split Testing One of the other ways to improve the conversion rate is by doing split testing. This involves directing half of your visitors to one version of your home page and the rest to another version. You can achieve this by simply rotating the pages either randomly or else depending upon on the back links. You even can try split testing on two different versions of a squeeze page to check how conversion works with each of those pages. Split testing can be applied to your emails as well, track those emails with subject line which is driving traffic to your website and those with email content that is helping in doing more conversions. Conclusion All you require is to spend an ample of time in testing your website with respect to user behavior so that you can improve the conversion rate.