- September 4, 2017
- Posted by: Wevio
- Category: General, Market Research & Analysis, Sales & Marketing, Wevio Blog

We are living in a world where the trade started ages ago and since then we have evolved and so has the trade, it is not the traditional trade which used to happen a decade or 2 ago, it is not that you just go out and buy a product which does not have any variations and there is no choice available to the buyer. We now have a number of choices for each and every product that we have and a number of sellers to buy it from. This evolution has brought in a revolution of buying and selling things over internet, we need not go anywhere to buy a specific thing because that can be bought over internet sitting back at home.
Now that the things are being made easy for the buyers the sellers bear all the trouble and if we talk about marketing for such sellers they find it a little difficult because they don’t know for sure which technique of marketing should they go for. That is the reason I have written this article today to help the online sellers promote their products. Let us begin with the list.

Content Marketing
A very obvious tip to find its place in this list is content marketing, a buzz word “Content Marketing” has taken 1st place over all other strategies. All it has to do with is the blog article you write, photos you take, videos you make and creative infographics you come up with, all of this should be right in place according to the product you’re trying to sell.
Some tips to make it right for your content, keep it short and simple, keep it concise, keep the content original, make it with creativity, it shouldn’t have anything related to religion, it should have an essence of your product and your brand.
Mailing List
One of the most famous and adopted techniques is having an automated mailing system in palace to keep the buyers and prospects aware of the products you are selling and the offers you are giving to your customers.

Diversified Social Media Platform
It is always a pain point for the sellers to figure out which social media platform they should promote their product on considering their market and thus the far best and cheapest way to figure this out is to diversify on the social media platforms and later cut on the platforms which aren’t working for your product.
Social media is too important to be left to the marketing department
It is a whole new concept which has come under lime light, customer service over social media where the customers can directly talk to the customer care agents to find answers to their queries and this has cut down the time in which the customer receives a response, as the process was like; customer to marketing agents who were handling the social media accounts to customer service agents to answer the query and then back to the marketing agents to revert it back to the customers. Now that can directly be done over social media.
Sales Every Now and Then
People are so attracted to competitive prices that they would spend their precious time just to find a better deal and if you can do this without having them spend their precious time you are the winner and will be able to develop a level of confidence in them, this strategy works for almost all the products.
Google ADWords
A very important and useful tool is Google ADWord as it will help fetching your website on the first page of Google search whenever somebody searches for a product which you are selling. This will increase traffic on your website and eventually your sales.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a good way to have others working for you and you need to pay them only when they convert a lead into sales, sounds buzzy right, you can have this scheme well integrated with your ecommerce website where the people who will sing in to be your affiliate partners will get a referral link which when converts a lead to a sale, be liable to get some reward in terms of commission.
So here are a few marketing strategies which are necessary for any ecommerce website to survive in the market. It is not important to have all other marketing strategies in place but it is important to have a few of them perfectly in place.