Specializing in Global Commercialization
OverviewIP Commercialization is the ability to protect and develop intellectual property (IP) towards economic and social prosperity. In addition, it is a core competency for economies, innovators, and enterprises around the world.
- According to a recent study, the value of a company largely consists of their IP Assets which sometimes make up 80% of a company’s value. However, companies often do not possess proper knowledge about the real value of their patent portfolio. In addition, companies and individuals often have missing knowledge regarding optimal IP commercialization methods.
- If inventors or companies decide to better commercialization their IP assets, they should first make some basic estimations about their IP commercialization possibilities.
- One of the biggest challenges for research & development organizations is marketing their innovations in the global market.
- There is a significant amount of confusion and inconsistency regarding intellectual property policies in the global markets.
- Researchers may not have the right channel or an obvious market to commercialize their products and must focus more on R&D to bring their innovations to global standards, so the commercialization portion requires a specialist to help them to find the right partners, joint venture partners, global marketing partners, etc..
- Although IP commercialization has become an attractive option, it is not an easy task to manage and requires some proficiency.
Many business surveys indicate that “most successful technology companies are led by the sales and marketing team, not by the technical folks”.
IP Commercialization Business StrategyWevio’s Technology Transfer Team can help develop a company’s research efforts towards commercialization by protecting a company’s intellectual property with proper licensing between the R&D firms and the companies who need the technology transfer.

- Identify research & development companies, universities and organizations
- Technology innovation evolution and assessment
- Intellectual Property (IP) protection processes such as patents and rights
- Marketing technology innovations to potential partner companies who need technology transfers
- Licensing ins and outs
- Telegraphic Transfers (TT) and transactions
- Infrastructure
- Promoting technology transfer and commercialization
IP Commercialization ServicesProviding consulting, acquisition and enforcement services with respect to various forms of Intellectual Property Rights.
IP Commercialization
Monetizing IP through licensing and patent sales
IP Consulting
Getting the most out of your IP
IP Management
Managing your patent portfolio
IP Protection
Protection of creations of the mind
Inventor Compensation
Employee rights for inventor compensation
License Agreements
Long-term profit through licensing agreements
License Contracts
Patent Monetization with steady revenue
License Management
Managing your intellectual property
License Manager
Overseeing and managing the license
Licensing Program
Advantages for licensors and licensees
Patent Abuse
Misusing intellectual property
Patent Enforcement
Things to note in patent enforcement
Patents for Sale
Scouting for patents across multiple industries
Patent Infringement
Unwarranted patent usage
Patent Lawsuit
Patent owner pursues his rights in court jurisdictions
Patent Licensing
Long-term profits through licensing agreements
Patent Brokerage
Negotiating with the companies that need your idea
Patent Litigation
In litigations it is not enough to have a strong claim
Patent Management
Risks and rewards
Patent Portfolio
Valuation of patent portfolios
Patent Scouting
Identification of Interesting IP Assets
Patent Troll Prevention
Protecting against patent trolls
Patent Marketing
The value of patents is tied to future client development
Patent Monetization
Consulting on methods to properly monetize your valuable patents
Technology Scouting
Observe changes, potentials, and relevant knowhow in the technology markets
Technology Transfer
Effective technology transfer with Wevio’s innovation group

Industry Specializations

- EXPERTISE & NETWORK: As part of global business development, Wevio is working with various industry specific organizations and associations in various countries. Our partners are spread across the world. With our global marketing experience, we found that many companies are looking at patents for sale and seeking competitive advantages and increasing their value through IP acquisition.
- TECHNOLOGY SCANNING: Wevio works with you to provide a clear understanding of the current technology landscape and identify emerging technologies and opportunities so that you can plan for short-term & long-term technology, product and business development strategies.
- TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT: As per client requests and business match making, Wevio scouts for patents for sale across multiple industries. Wevio works for clients as well as companies who like to commercialize their Intellectual Property, and will help you to assess the true value of your technology options based on the strengths, weaknesses, applicability and commercialization potential in the real world.
- IP POLICIES: Wevio helps in formulating and understanding vendor agreements, CDAs, licensing agreements, assignment agreements, franchisee agreements, transfer of ownership, Registered User Agreements for Start-ups, Small and Medium Enterprises and R&D institutes.
- TECHNOLOGY MATCHING: Wevio facilitates the successful matching of technologies through our network of global partners, helping you to create a “Technology need” write-up which provides essential information to trigger the attention of a potential solution provider. Wevio can also help you to create a “Technology offer” write-up which provides a brief description of your technology, benefits, possible applications and market opportunities in plain language to attract the interest of potential technology seekers.
- FOR START-UPS: If you are a start-up that is looking for external resources to carry out product development at an accelerated pace and funding from overseas investors, Wevio will work with you to create a mutually beneficial joint venture entity overseas to tap on the R&D infrastructure and funding sources to accelerate prototyping, product validation and market access.
IP Commercialization Outcomes Wevio continues efforts to do global business development with the aim of globalization by protecting Intellectual Properties.