The most basic and important communication channel which is used to interact with foreign buyers is the website. Creating an effective website is essential and it should be easily accessible. Websites should be compatible with the world wide web standards, responsive and must be optimized to all major search engines to help a business to increase their global opportunities.
Website Development for Global Business Development
Wevio focuses on the specific technical aspects of building a websites based on search engine optimization. World class Content Management Solutions are used to build client websites.
Websites that cover 98.5% of the global browser market

Websites that respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation

Detailed exposure on search engine optimized websites

Web Standards
Global customers use different browsers to access websites from different countries, therefore, it is important to make a website that meets global standards to gain ubiquitous visibility.
W3C Validation is required to improve website rankings in each search engine, improve user experience, make browsers more friendly and make the website compatible for multiple device accessibility.
Responsive Web Design (RWD) is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide optimal viewing and interaction experiences — easy reading and navigation with minimal resizing, panning, and scrolling — across a wide range of devices (from desktop computers to mobile phones).
Search Optimization
In order to enter foreign markets, websites should be optimized for all search engines. Google, Bing and Yahoo are major search engines used by most countries around the world. However, there are many domestic search engines specific to each country. For better exposure in global markets, a website should be optimized with proper keywords for each search engine.
In order to increase search engine impressions and website content, images should be optimized with effective keywords. Search Optimization is essential for global business development. Related keywords should be included in the website contents and should be linked properly with internal pages.
Cross Browser Compatibility
Websites should be optimized in such a way that they can be easily accessed from any browser. Because customers from different locations around the world use different browsers, websites should be optimized and cross verified among all.
Site Map Structure
Internal pages also need to be structured and linked to the home page. Search engines start crawling the sites from home pages outward to all internal pages. Thus it is important to make sure the site pages is linked property. HTML content and CSS should be clearly separated. Otherwise, the search will crawl CSS files as well and may ignore the original pages.
Content Optimization
Search engine robots crawl the site content from the top left to bottom right of the websites. So it is important to keep the content, heading and internal links in proper order.
Wevio’s Website Development Platform: WordPress
WordPress accounts for almost half of the world’s Internet Content Management System(CMS) websites, particularly in the blogging market. WordPress is a worldwide platform for website development that anyone can manage easily, with 59.2% (as of 2016) market share.
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