Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is the web standard used today. Unlike the first version, Web 2.0 allows us to interact with other users of the Internet. Instead of only retrieving information provided by the administrator of a website, we can communicate with others. As opposed to the Internet being a one-way resource for the users, the Internet became a mere tool for users to communicate with each other. With it came the birth of social networking sites (facebook, MySpace, linked-in, etc.), social bookmarking sites (dig, delicious, etc.) and social shopping sites (kaboodle.com, thisnext.com, etc.).

Check out this amazing You-Tube video put together by mwesch!!!

Web 1.0, Web 2.0 Reading, Writing Companies, Communities Client-server, Peer to peer HTML, XML Home pages, Blogs Lectures, Conversation Advertising, Word of mouth Services sold over the Web, web services Portals, RSS Wires, Wireless Netscape, Google Owning, Sharing Web forms, Web applications Screen scraping, APIs Dialup, Broadband Hardware costs, Bandwidth costs Internet Explorer, Firefox